PMP Exam Preparation: Preview Sessions Each Month

Group of Participants attending the PMP Certification program at Intellisoft Systems Singapore

Are you an active Project Manager?

Are you looking for ways to stand out, accelerate your career and get recognition?

If you are, then you should be planning to get the most coveted Project Management Professional (PMP) Certification from PMI Inc. of USA.

It is the top qualification for Project Managers, and is very well received in Singapore. In fact, Singapore ranks as one of the Top 5 countries where the maximum number of PMPs come from.

The PMP exam is not easy. More than half the people who attempt the exam can’t pass it in their first attempt. So don’t take this lightly.

Intellisoft is holding  regular Preview Sessions where our senior PMP trainers will give you an overview of the exam.

Some of the Topics covered in the Intellisoft PMP Exam Preview Session are:

  • About the PMP Exam,
  • Eligibility criteria for the PMP Exam,
  • Methodology used in  the Intellisoft 4 Day PMP Exam Preparation Workshop (available on Weekdays or Weekends)
  • Our Trainers
  • Our exam centric teaching approach
  • WSQ Grant, eligibility, how to claim, claim % etc.
  • The Intellisoft PMP Exam Passing Percentage
  • Change to the Exam, its format,
  • Types of PMP Exam Questions, and the Right approach to answer the questions.
  • Question & Answers Session – where you can ask any questions you have, and our PMP trainers will answer them for you.

If you would like to attend the PMP Exam Preview session at Intellisoft, you can join us by sending an email to Lisha.

Intellisoft Training Schedule:
Intellisoft will be hosting Weekday and Weekend Training Programs for PMP Exam Preparations. You can check the latest PMP Training Schedule here.

Registration for the PMP Exam Prep Workshop:
You can register online for the PMP Training conducted at Intellisoft.

36 Contact Hour Certificate:
Intellisoft Systems will provide you with a 36 PDU certificate at the end of the 4th day PMP training program. This will enable you to attain Education Requirements for the PMP examination.

PMI Registered Education Provider (PMI R.E.P.)
Intellisoft Systems has been awarded the Global PMI Registered Education Provider by PMI. So you can be sure that you are getting quality PMP training and education, provided by our PMP Certified Trainers.

Simply sign up for the PMP Preview Session, and get to know more about how you can qualify and attain the PMP Certification, and boost your career with professional certification!

See you for the PMP Exam Preview Talk at Intellisoft Training Centre in Singapore!

Register Now

Microsoft Project: An Ultimate Tool For a Successful Project

Features of Microsoft Project

Project managers are the amazing people in companies, that get the job done. They strategize, plan, build, enhance and repair, and finally get the project delivered.

Constantly fighting tight resources, a short timeline, and minimum budgets, they handle multiple projects at the same time, and still are able to deliver to the client.

Their main job is to handle people, tasks, timeline, resources and even the overall Project goals & objectives.

It is not an easy job to be the Project Manager. Since the job is bound to have frequent changes, it can easily become confusing, chaotic and unorganized.

Therefore, it is even more critical that a project manager is a master of the management software that can save his time and increase efficiency.

Using & following a trusted, tested and reliable project management tool, Project Managers make it easy to organize, collaborate, and administer.

5 Reasons Why You Should Learn Microsoft Project

How will a Project Management Software work?

Microsoft Project, the ultimate management software has all the necessary features to help efficiently planning of projects, managing the resources, responding to issues, and keep all the authorities involved.

Regardless of the kind of project you handle, Microsoft Project will create a positive impact in Planning & Executing the project.

  1. Improved Planning and Scheduling

Microsoft Project Training in Singapore for Improved Planning and Scheduling

  • Project planning and scheduling is the primary stage of a Project management which decides the whole flow of the work.
  • With Microsoft Project, managers can easily create an actionable plan and prioritize the tasks to drive the project towards a success.

Microsoft Project Training in Singapore

  • It becomes easy to allocate resources, identify dependencies, set up deadlines, and to create project deliverables in no time.
  • Microsoft Project helps to lay a strong foundation for a successful project and to efficiently manage the project until the end.
  1. Better Collaboration

  • Teamwork is the mandatory aspect of a successful Project. A team can comprise of members from various departments.
  • They are required to handle their day-to-day responsibilities and to contribute to multiple projects at a time which in turn makes it difficult to be present in all the discussions & meetings.

Microsoft Project Training in Singapore: Learn Effective Collboration & Project Handling

  • This communication gap can create unnecessary delays in the projects and problems that can waste a lot of precious resources.
  • A huge advantage of the Microsoft Project is that it makes effective collaborations in a project extremely simple.
  • All the important insights, project timeline and status updates can be accessed by all the authorized team members with a single click and important alerts can be automatically sent to the relevant parties.
  1. Budget Management

  • The ultimate use of the Microsoft Project software is the budget management. Since the resource management becomes effective, its easy to see where the budget is being spent, and if it is allocated properly.

Microsoft Project Training in Singapore for Effective Budget Management

  • You can then play what-if analysis, and see projections of the project – if it is delayed slightly, delayed a lot, and major breakdowns… what will be the cost of the completed project.
  • It is also effective in real-time management and update of Budget allocation & usage for better understanding and streamlining.
  1. Remote Working

  • In view of the uncertain situations like current pandemic, it is absolutely impossible to stay in touch and discuss physically with all the department.
  • The physical location does not bind modern projects.

Microsoft Project Training in Singapore for Effective Project Management

  • It could be tough to manage the scattered workforce With Microsoft Project, it becomes easy to manage and lead the teams effectively.
  • The tasks assigned are clear and legible that there is no chance of confusions or misunderstandings.
  1. Enhanced Productivity

  • Another major advantage of using Microsoft project software is that it optimizes your decision-making process and improves productivity at work.

Microsoft Project Training in Singapore for Productive, effectient Project Management

  • As all of the important details can be found in a single place, you can always make informed decisions within the shortest time.

Join Us today to Learn more!

Why You Should Train Your Staff

 Employee TrainingMost businesses are always in a state of crisis, fighting some fire or the other each day. By the time one fire is put off, they find themselves involved in putting off another fire.

This is the nature of all operational work.

Similarly, if you  are working on a project, things keep changing, you keep moving from one crisis to another – nothing stays the same…

Only “change is constant”.

Thus, we hardly have time to think, to plan ahead, and to be proactive. Most of our actions each day are pretty “reactive”. This is the worst position to be in. There is a total lack of control, and many a time you will feel totally “overwhelmed”… not sure what to do, where to begin, and what to do to get out of this mess or chaos.

Steven Covey, in his famous book  The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People talks about Being Proactive (the First Habit), and Sharpen The Saw (The Seventh Habit).

What is Being Proactive?

This simply means that you do not wait for things to happen. Rather, prevent them, avoid them, and circumvent them. Have a long term view, plan, so you can see the pitfalls immediately, and you can then plan for any foreseen eventuality, and be prepared. If you are prepared, you know what to do when the event happens, if it happens. This is being proactive. It is totally in your hands.

You can take aside some time each day – ideally in the morning, or the last thing in the day, to plan your day, and actions for the next day or week in advance. Our mind, our brain is a goal seeking device. If you give it a goal, it will find ways to achieve it!

Sharpen The Saw

Continuous Training Opportunities to Stay Ahead - Sharpen the SawCovey talks about a wood cutter so busy with the work, that he has no time to sharpen the saw. Thus, he toils to cut the tree, but this task takes ever longer, due to the fact that the saw is in a pretty bad shape. The wood cutter knows that the instrument is blunt, but does not want to spend the time to sharpen the saw.

It is a pretty simple story, and makes perfect sense.

But aren’t you doing the same? You have no time to plan ahead, no time to do the right things, no time to think and then act. You believe in ‘shoot first, and think later’.

An Emerging Economy

We are living in a world of unprecedented change. Things change very fast. Each morning you pick up the newspaper, and find out some new rules imposed by the government. You can not even anticipate what their next step is going to be. You have to react in this situation. Even if our country’s economy is stable, it is impacted by the US economy, China, India and the smaller third world countries. Interest rates, inflation, GDP, economic growth rate, ERP, COE, Housing prices, petrol price, US economy, exports, exchange rates, all are changing all the time.

With so many variables, what are you supposed to do?

You Are The Commander of Your Ship

There are hundreds of things that you can control. Your thoughts, your actions, your plans can be managed and controlled. They are not cast in stone, but you can control, change, and achieve them. All you need is a little persistence, determination, and focus.

Plan for a better future. Take some time to plan, and define your actions. Just be flexible, and be ready to adapt, in case someone throws a spanner in your plans.

Invest in your Future. Now. How?

Make sure you have the right skills to do the job, and a little more. And also make sure that your team, your staff is also equipped  the same way. When we have thought of every event that can derail the project, plan what we could do, what we would do if it happens, we are much more in control.

Training is the Key

Training is like sharpening the saw. A trained worker is a happy worker. He or she takes pride in the work, and has a heightened sense of self satisfaction.

Employee Training Skills

Some of the known, proven benefits of training the workers are

  1. Increased Productivity – you get more things done, with a better quality, and improve the productivity of the employees, as well as your products and services. The government is also giving generous grants to improve the productivity of the workforce. Make use of these grants.
  2. Lower Cost – less rework, less repair, and a higher quality reduces cost overall, and improve the product. This produces cost savings for your organization.
  3. Higher Satisfaction – with a better quality product or service, the team is happier, and take pride in the company and its products or services. It raises their self esteem, morale, and generates a feeling of self satisfaction.
  4. Lower Turnover – with a higher self-worth, a higher self satisfaction, the employees want to stay in your organization, and this will reduce the turnover. Thus, you do not need to train the staff frequently, and they add value by giving suggestions to improve the product, processes, services, and directly

Thus, you can see how training sets a chain reaction of improved productivity, lower costs, satisfied employees and customers, and a higher brand recognition.

With so many benefits of training, you must look for every opportunity to “sharpen the saw“, and generate the maximum benefit, maximum productivity, and maximum satisfaction for your company, your employees, and your customers.

To learn more about how you can use training to improve your business, give the Intellisoft Training team a call at +65 6250-3575. I am sure you will benefit from it.

Vinai Prakash

Director, Training Services

Vinai Prakash holds a Masters Degree in E-Commerce and is a certified PMI Project Management Professional. He is currently the Director &  Principal Trainer at Intellisoft, providing training to commercial and government organizations in Project Management Methodology, and in various other programs to analyze data, manage IT projects, learn soft skills.

Armed with 27 years of solid management experience, he is the most sought after Trainer and  Consultant at Intellisoft. He has taught Project Management, IT Outsourcing, Business Intelligence, Data Interpretation & Analysis courses in Asia, Middle East, Africa & Australia for Intellisoft clients.

Let us know if you would like to speak to him about your organization’s unique training requirements.

Self Study for PMP Certification


The PMP certification is the highest certification for Project Managers. It is issued by the Project Management Institute in USA.

Eligibility Criteria for PMP Certification
To be eligible to sit for the PMP exam, and get PMP certification, you need to have 3 things.

  1. Degree or Diploma
  2. 4500 hours (3 years) of project management experience for Degree holders; 7500 hours (5 years) of experience for Diploma Holders. If you are not sure about how to compile your experience and check if it meets the 4500 hour requirements, you can contact the PMP Trainer in the class.
  3. 35 Hours of Formal education in Project Management ( 35 PDU Certificate).

Self Study for the PMP Examination

Yes, you can do self study for the PMP examination. In fact, once you have attained the 3 minimum requirements for the PMP Exam, almost all people will do self study for at least 6-8 weeks (about 2 months), before they will be ready for the PMP examination.

Usually, at Intellisoft, in our 4 Day PMP Examination Preparation Training Workshop in Singapore, or Malaysia, we help each student to come up with an individualized study plan, based on the amount of time available. This is a must, because of the sheer amount of study material.

There are 10 knowledge areas, and 5 process groups. In between them, there are 47 unique processes, each with its own Inputs, Tools & Techniques & Outputs.

Most PMP Books in the market are quite voluminous, huge and scary to look at. If you do not have a study plan, you will soon begin to wander, and begin to procrastinate.

In the PMP Boot camp at Intellisoft, we will help you to come up with a study plan, that is easy to follow, requires only 1-1.5 hours per day, and has a extremely high success ratio. Over a thousand students have followed it, and passed the PMP exam after studying and following the study plan created with Intellisoft.

How to Do Self Study for PMP Certification?

One of the first things you should do is to set a deadline – by when do you want to achieve the PMP certification? Set a date.

Nothing works better than a deadline. Remember your old college days? Most of the time, you used to complete that college assignment the night before it was due to be turned in… Remember those days!

Well, the PMP Exam is not something that you can take lightly and study the night before only. You need to study consistently for a longer period, usually 6-8 weeks.

So persistence. Consistent Persistence is required.

If you really desire the goal of being a certified PMP, you must exercise persistence, consistently. Study each and every day…. even if you study for only 1 hour each day.

You will be amazed at the progress you can make in a week of consistent effort.

Find a Buddy or a Partner with whom you can practice, and quiz each other for the PMP exam preparation.

This helps tremendously, and checking each other brings in some accountability. Now you have promised your buddy that you will study, so you end up studying.

In the PMP Training workshop in Singapore, our certified PMP trainers will give you hundreds of tips, techniques, tricks and mock exam questions to prepare, and get ready for the PMP certification examination.

Follow it, act on it, consistently. And you will be ready for the certification exam in no time.

We can help you!

If  you have any questions, simply post a comment below, or send an inquiry to the PMP Course Coordinator at Intellisoft, and they will assist you.

To your success in the PMP Examination. All The Best!

Vinai Prakash, PMP, ITIL, Six Sigma, MBA, GAP
Master Trainer at Intellisoft Systems, Singapore

PS: If you would like to know more about the PMP examination, attend a Free PMP Exam Preview Session at Intellisoft. Registration is Free. There is no obligation. See you soon…

Recommended Training: Blended PMP Exam Preparation Training SingaporePMP Exam Preparation Training Singapore

The PMP Exam is Changing in Jan 2016

The PMP Exam is changing on Jan 12, 2016.

Although it is still based on the PMBOK Guide, Fifth Edition, there are changes in the tasks you are tested on. Make sure you are attending the latest training for PMP exam, which is updated for the revisions in the tasks.

This change is caused because PMI regularly conducts the RDS, and based on the results, it will tweak the PMP exam format.

Do you know what’s changing, and How will it impact you…

Do you have any of these questions on the PMP Exam?

  1. How to prepare for the PMP exam?*
  2. What to study for the PMP exam?*
  3. How to study for the PMP exam?*
  4. What are the changes to the PMP exam?*
  5. What is the eligibility criteria for the PMP exam?*
  6. How to get the 35 PDU certificate?*
  7. How long should I study for the PMP exam?*
  8. What books should I read for the PMP exam preparation?*
  9. What exactly is changing in the PMP exam?*
  10. How am I impacted? When should I take the PMP exam?*

If you have any of these questions, you can come and attend our PMP Exam Preview Session, and get the answers to these questions.

WHEN: 19-Dec-2015, 10 am

WHERE: Intellisoft Systems Training Room, #10-08 Golden Mile Complex, Fortune Centre, Singapore

HOW TO REGISTER: Click here to Register for the PMP Exam Preview Session

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